4-H Enrollment Guidelines

Add your instructions for how/what/ they do with complete forms.

President is Ivy Wilkin, Vice President Katie Laney, Secretary Josh Lewis, Reporters Darby Hibner and Haley Pekron, Treasurers Elisa and Debbie French, and Song and Recreation Leaders Hanna Gray and Rebecka Holdrige. Our 4-H youth development program is a dynamic non-formal education program. It provides opportunities for youth to learn life skills and gain knowledge while having fun. The life skills learned in 4-H enable youth to become productive, well-informed, self-reliant, responsible adults. Our county has some of the best 4-Hers in the state, and this year has been a great year for our county. We have had two members on the State 4-H Leadership Team, with one of those on the National 4-H Congress Design Team. We also hold the State Champion Rifle Team, with State Rifle High Point Individual Garret Hyatt, as well as the State Champion Public Speaker.

Jack Blandford
Email: jbland@nmsu.edu